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Missions is the heartbeat of the Freedom International Worship Center. Matthew 28:18 declares that the gospel must be preached in every nation. The focus of Freedom Missions is to exhibit the compassion of Jesus Christ through the creation of :

1. Educational opportunities through Freedom Bible Institute/Freedom University

2. Health care through hospitals and medical clinics

3. Recreation Centers

4. Computer Training Centers

5. Orphanages and feeding centers.To date we have such facilities existing throughout the United States, Africa, Haiti, Columbia, Mexico and India. Freedom University/Freedom Bible SchoolFreedom University began in 2005 after Apostle Park's first missionary trip to Africa. From that trip many more universities were established. In 2009 Freedom Bible Institute was established at the home church in Pottstown, PA. Currently we are established in over twenty nations internationally. Our goal in establishing these schools is to fulfill the scripture Ephesians 4:12-13 which is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Apostle Park and Apostle Newsuan, along with the ministry teams fulfill the scriptures by traveling worldwide taking Freedom to the nations. Click on the links below to see videos and pictures of some of the recent missions trips including; India, Columbia, Nigeria, Mexico and Haiti.


















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